If sex appeal is used properly I do believe that it does
have a redeeming value to it. The use of sex in ads if done properly make you
think that if you get what they are selling you will get that hot woman along
with it or that they will come flocking to you. This never happens of course
but it's the idea that sells you on the product. However if you're trying to
sell me something completely unrelated to sex, then chances are the ad would
fail with me. For example if I was shown an ad depicting a women with little to
no cloths on trying to sell me diapers id be like what does that have to do
with having a kid. It's not like when you have a kid you get to go sleeping
with beautiful women. An example of where an ad had sex appeal in it and it
worked on me is shown in the link below. Almost every time I go to the bar and
order a beer I remember this ad.
I think the major thing ad companies need to keep in mind
when creating these ads is that they are selling the idea of sex. Now they can
do this without having to show a woman or man completely naked. just the
thought of a woman or man naked would get the job done. They also need to keep
in mind that children are most likely going to see these ads so in my opinion I
don't think they should show anything past what a child could see on the beach.
I think that if they kept this thought in mind they would be fine. Also to stay
objective whether you show too much or too little skin there is always going to
be someone offended.
In my opinion I feel that if an ad company can find what
makes people tick and then can use that to sell their product then by all means
use it to their advantage. I don't think ad companies should feel sorry what so
ever if you are dumb enough to by a product thinking you're going to become
more popular or get more women in your life just because you use this hot new
item. People need to be more intelligent and remember that the product is just
the product, the commercial is just the commercial. The ad is just there to trigger
something inside of you. If I see something on the internet that peaks my interest
I'm not going into the purchase of the product with a false belief that I'm
going to benefit from the product in any other way then what the products use
is. Below is an example of a new ad for bras. When I see it I'm like cool sexy
new braw, not I'm going get this and a hot woman will fall into my life.